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Libbrecht, P., Kortenkamp U., Rebholz S., & Müller W. (2013).  Tales of a Companion Teacher Analytics. (Vatrapu, R., Ed.).Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Teaching Analytics (IWTA-2013). PDF icon LibbrechtKortenkamp-TCTA-2013a.pdf (804.96 KB)
Fest, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2007).  Teaching Graph Algorithms with Visage. (Sárvári, C., & Lavicza Z., Ed.).Proceedings of CADGME 2007 in Pécs.
Fest, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2009).  Teaching Graph Algorithms with Visage. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science. 7, 35-50.PDF icon FestKortenkamp-TGAWV-2009a.pdf (72.02 KB)
Kortenkamp, U. (2008).  A Technology Based Approach to Discrete Mathematics in the Classroom. (Campbell, S., & Grenier D., Ed.).Proceedings of ICME-11, TSG 15.
Kortenkamp, U. (2006).  Terme erklimmen. Klammergebirge als Strukturierungshilfe. mathematik lehren. 136, 13.
Dohrmann, C. (2016).  Touch2Learn: Multi-Touch Lernumgebungen explorativ erforschen. Mediales Lernen – Beispiele für eine inklusive Mediendidaktik. 95-104.PDF icon Dohrmann-PrePrint.pdf (692.16 KB)
Kuzle, A., & Dohrmann C. (2014).  Unpacking Children's Angle "Grundvorstellungen”: The Case of Distance “Grundvorstellung” of 1° Angle. (Liljedahl, P., & Sinclare N., Ed.).PME 38. PDF icon RR_Kuzle-Dohrmann-submitted.pdf (683.57 KB)
Kuzle, A. (Submitted).  Unpacking the nature of problem solving processes in a dynamic geometry environment: Different technological effects. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik.
Kortenkamp, U., & Dohrmann C. (2010).  User Interface Design for Dynamic Geometry Software. Proceedings of CADGME 2009. 3, 59-66.PDF icon KortenkampDohrmann-UIDDGS-2010a.pdf (152.43 KB)
Kortenkamp, U., & Richter-Gebert J. (2004).  Using Automatic Theorem Proving to Improve the Usability of Geometry Software. (Libbrecht, P., Ed.).Proceedings of MathUI 2004. PDF icon KortenkampRichter-Ge-UATPIUGS-2004a.pdf (842.28 KB)
Kortenkamp, U., & Rolka K. (2009).  Using Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Box Plots. (Durand-Guerrier, V., Soury-Lavergne S., & Arzarello F., Ed.).Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. January 28th - February 1st 2009, Lyon (France). PDF icon KortenkampRolka-UTTLP-2009a.pdf (456.52 KB)
Kortenkamp, U., Dohrmann C., Kreis Y., & Dording C. (2009).  Using the Intergeo Platform for Teaching and Research. (Bardini, C., Fortin C., Oldknow A., & Vagost D., Ed.).Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching. PDF icon KortenkampDohrmann-UIPTR-2009a.pdf (114.34 KB)
Kortenkamp, U., Dohrmann C., Kreis Y., & Dording C. (2009).  Using the Intergeo Platform for Teaching and Research. (Bardini, C., Fortin C., Oldknow A., & Vagost D., Ed.).Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching.
Kortenkamp, U., & Materlik D. (2004).  Vernetztes Lehren und Lernen im Mathematikunterricht. (Fellbaum, K., Rebensburg K., & Schwill A., Ed.).Grundfragen multimedialen Lehrens und Lernens. Tagungsband des 2. Workshops GML2004.
Blessing, A. M., & Kortenkamp U. (2010).  VideoClipQuests as a New Setup For Learning. (Spector, M. J., Ifenthaler D., Isaías P., Kinshuk, & Sampson D. G., Ed.).Learning and Instruction in the Digital Age: Making a Difference through Cognitive Approaches, Technology-facilitated Collaboration and Assessment, and Personalized Communications.
Blessing, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2008).  VideoClipQuests as a New Setup For Learning. (Kinshuk, Sampson D. G., Spector M. J., Isaías P., & Ifenthaler D., Ed.).Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2008). 343–346.
Kortenkamp, U., & Blessing A. M. (2011).  VideoClipQuests as an E-Learning Pattern. (Kohls, C., & Wedekind J., Ed.).Investigations on E-Learning Patterns: Context Factors, Problems, and Solutions. 237-248.
Blessing, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2009).  VideoClipQuests as an E-Learning Pattern. Proceedings of the E-Learning Patterns Workshop 2009.


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