Ulrich Kortenkamp

Ulrich Kortenkamp is Professor of mathematics education at the University of Potsdam. Before that, he held positions at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, the Universities of Education in Karlsruhe and Schwäbisch Gmünd, and the Technical University of Berlin.

Recent Publications

2011 Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe, Kortenkamp, Ulrich , The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, Volume 5, Number 1, (2011) PDF icon Kortenkamp-IIGE-2011c.pdf (1.83 MB)
2011 Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe, Kortenkamp, Ulrich , The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, Volume 5, Number 1, (2011)
2011 Die etwas andere Vorlesung: AnOrMaL, Kortenkamp, Ulrich , Mathematik für alle - Wege zum Öffnen von Mathematik. Mathematikdidaktische Ansätze. Festschrift für Wilfried Herget, Hildesheim, (2011) PDF icon Kortenkamp-DEAVAOML-2011.pdf (2.47 MB)
2010 Learning Programming with Ruby, Müller, Wolfgang, and Kortenkamp Ulrich , Proceedings of the IFIP Workshop "New developments in ICT and Informatics education'', (2010) PDF icon MüllerKortenkamp-LPWR-2010a..pdf (939.39 KB)
2010 Crossing Cultural Boundaries with Long Term Interactive Geometry Resources, Libbrecht, Paul, Kortenkamp Ulrich, and Mercat Christian , (2010) PDF icon LibbrechtKortenkampMercat-CCBLTIGR-2010.pdf (1.56 MB)


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