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Fest, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2009).  Teaching Graph Algorithms with Visage. Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science. 7, 35-50.PDF icon FestKortenkamp-TGAWV-2009a.pdf (72.02 KB)
Fest, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2009).  Process Orientated Learning Environments For Interactive Geometry Lessons. (Bardini, C., Fortin C., Oldknow A., & Vagost D., Ed.).Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teachingh International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching. PDF icon FestKortenkamp-POLEIGL-2009a.pdf (129.81 KB)
Fest, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2007).  Teaching Graph Algorithms with Visage. (Sárvári, C., & Lavicza Z., Ed.).Proceedings of CADGME 2007 in Pécs.
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