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Filters: Autor is Sampson, Demetrios G. and First Letter Of Title is V  [Clear All Filters]
Blessing, A., & Kortenkamp U. (2008).  VideoClipQuests as a New Setup For Learning. (Kinshuk, Sampson D. G., Spector M. J., Isaías P., & Ifenthaler D., Ed.).Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2008). 343–346.
Blessing, A. M., & Kortenkamp U. (2010).  VideoClipQuests as a New Setup For Learning. (Spector, M. J., Ifenthaler D., Isaías P., Kinshuk, & Sampson D. G., Ed.).Learning and Instruction in the Digital Age: Making a Difference through Cognitive Approaches, Technology-facilitated Collaboration and Assessment, and Personalized Communications.
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