Gallery in Preparation of the Workshop Mathematical User-Interfaces 2008

This gallery is formed by recollecting screenshots of MathUIs seen around and is mostly used to decorate the workshop page. All materials in this page is copyright their respective owners and used under permission.

Are They Parallel? Geoproof

deco: Are they parallel? GeoProof
Presented at MathUI 07 GeoProof Presentation, by Julien Narboux.

Move without Equivalence - Aplusix

From the Aplusix editing feature page

Palette and TeX formulæ Input - MathType

deco:Palette and TeX formulae - MathType
Mixing TeX syntax and palette-input in MathType. Presented by Robert Miner in Editing with MathType's TeX syntax.

Map of Derivations of a Mizar Proof

deco:Map of derivation steps - Interactive Drivation Viewer
Map of derivations in the presentation of Josef Urban of the interactive derivations viewer.

Exploration Exercise - MathEx

deco:Exploration Exercise -  MathEx
Exploring operations' effects with the MathEx input editor Presented by Sam Dooley in MathEx presentation.

Last modified by Paul Libbrecht, 2008-03-17