2 Firefox OS

2.4 TeXZilla App

This is a note-taking app for math available at http://r-gaia-cs.github.io/TeXZilla-webapp/. It takes a LaTeX expression as input, shows a preview of it refreshed during input and enables the user to save it.

The conversion from LaTeX to MathML is performed by TeXZilla (see section 1.4) and no internet connection is required. The save functionality uses IndexedDB, “an API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data and for high performance searches on this data using indexes” [W3C4].

This app also has some experimental buttons to help the user to enter LaTeX commands like \frac and \sqrt. These buttons will be removed once the math virtual keyboard mentioned at the end of section 2.2 is available.

Right now, it is only possible to add math expressions but nice features that can be added to this app in the future include adding text around the math expressions and having more than one “piece of paper” for notes.