Firefox OS screenshot

Firefox OS Web Apps for Science (MathUI 2014)

Software Description

Firefox OS is a new mobile operating system, developed by Mozilla, and based on Linux and the Gecko engine that powers Firefox.

For Web developers, the most important part to understand is that the entire user interface is a web app capable of displaying and launching other Web apps. Any modifications you make to the user interface and any applications you create to run on Firefox OS are web apps created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, albeit with enhanced access to the mobile device's hardware and services.

For research, education, engineering and other domains where science and technical documents are used, one of the big advantage of working with Web technologies is that you can rely on Javascript, SVG, MathML, canvas, WebGL, Web components etc. to produce advanced scientific documents and mathematical user interfaces.

Source: Firefox_OS article on MDN

Demonstrated Features

We will present various demos of Web pages / apps that could be used as a basis for more complex mathematical user interfaces. The demos will be presented on Firefox OS tablets (development version), on an Android tablet as well as on standard laptop computers. They will at least include:

MathML in WebGL
MathML in WebGL
TeXZilla Web App and Virtual Math Keyboard
TeXZilla Web App and Virtual Math Keyboard

Hardware Expectations