MathUI 2014
9th Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces

at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)
Coimbra, Portugal, July 10th, 2014


The proceedings of MathUI 2014 are online in this web-page as well as in CEUR-WS as part of the Joint proceedings CICM-WS-WiP edited by Matthew England.


The MathUI workshop has been broadcast on the web. See the Online MathUI web-page.

Math Search

Coffee break


Invited talk: Jaime Carvalho e Silva

11:30-12:30: What international studies say about the importance and limitations of using computers to teach mathematics in secondary schools Room (amphitheatre)

Mobile Math

Formulæ in Spreadsheets

Coffee break

demo session

From 18:00 to, about, 19:00, we shall have the demo session. Programme still to be announced.

Inkchat: Pen-based mathematical discussion


MathUI is an international workshop to discuss how users interact with mathematics represented on a computer.

We invite all questions, that care for the use of mathematics on computers and how the user experience can be improved, to be discussed in the workshop.

EpsilonWriter at MathUI 2013: Lots of easily inputtable formulæ

Topics include:

This workshop follows a successful series of workshops held at the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics since 10 years; it features presentations of brand new ideas in papers selected by a review process, wide space for discussions, as well as a software demonstration session.

An analysis of the subjective relationships
of elements in a spreadsheet.
(Andrea Kohlhase, MathUI 13)


The organizers invite authors to submit contributions of 6 to 12 pages on the workshop-related topics in PDF format optionally illustrated by supplementary media such as video recordings or access to demos.

Deadline for submissions: May 22nd 2014 (extended).

Method of submission: Please login and submit via EasyChair.

The submissions will be reviewed by the international programme committee, whose comments and recommendations will be sent back by June 6th requesting a final version no later than June 16.


Moreover, MathUI will be concluded by an expo-like demonstration session. Proposed demonstrations should be sent by email until June 20th, containing a URL to a software description, a title, a short abstract of the demonstrated features, and the indication of hardware expectations (own/lent laptop/tablet, internet access (speed?), power, ...). After a short elevator pitch, the demonstration session will run for 1-3 hours.


Finally, registration for the participation to the workshop shall be handled by the CICM organization and is documented on the CICM site.

OpenMathMap, a visual map of mathematical domains.
(Jan Wilken-Dörrle at MathUI 13)

Programme Committee

The following persons have accepted to review:

ActiveMath: Analyzing the student's worksheet.
(Éric Andrès at MathUI 13)

Please advertise MathUI'14 further: