Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop A Workshop at MKM 2010, CNAM, Paris, July 2010 === Scope === Mathematics is being increasingly done on computers: from computations to communications, from static pictures to dynamic presentations, from organized texts to formalized demonstrations. This workshop offers a forum discussing how users can interact with the mathematical objects represented on a computer, how they can manipulate them to feel their mathematical nature, how they can create them, how they can visualize them, and how they can understand them. This workshop follows a successful series of meetings held the Mathematical Knowledge Management conference; it features presentations of brand new ideas, elected on reviewed submitted papers, with wide space for discussions, as well as a software demonstration session. === Invitation to submissions === The organizers invite authors to submit short contributions on the workshop-related topics in PDF format optionally illustrated by supplementary media such as video recordings or access to demos. Deadline for submissions: May 20th 2010. Method of submission: EasyChair: The submissions will be reviewed by the international programme committee whose comments and recommendations will be transmitted by June 10th requesting a final version no later than June 20th. The workshop will happen on the afternoon of Saturday July 10th, after the invited presentation of a former Bourbaki secretary Pierre Cartier. === Programme Committee === To be confirmed: - David Aspinall School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland - Paul Cairns University of York, Great Britain - Olga Caprotti University of Helsinki, Finland - Richard Fateman University of California at Berkeley, USA - Paul Libbrecht (organizer) Competence Center for E-Learning, DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken, Germany - Robert Miner Design Science Inc., Long Beach, California, USA - Elena Smirnova Texas Instruments Inc. Education Technology, USA