Mathematical Documents Authoring With xfy
Masaki Kume, Atsushi Miyamoto, Hiroshi Kai, Matu-Tarow Noda, Yasushi Tamura, and Taisuke Tominari
xfy is a run-time platform for creating, editing and browsing compound
XML documents. It is capable of handling multiple XML vocabularies
on a WYSIWYG-style workspace. Furthermore, it has an
extensible architecture to manage additional standard or private XML
vocabularies, namely plug-ins and XVCD. In xfy, we developed an editor
plug-in, to edit the MathML presentation markup, and a 2D/3D
plot plug-in, to view algebraic functions graphically. The XVCD architecture
can integrate these plug-ins to provide a plot tool to draw
algebraic functions. As a result, the plot tool is interactive, meaning
the algebraic function curves are updated immediately when edited by
the MathML editor. We then used these plug-ins to construct interactive
XML content for use in mathematics education.