This gallery contains contributed user-interfaces screenshots. We would look forward to your contribution of screenshots per e-mail.
As presented at MathUI'04 in CPoint's Mathematical User Interface.
As presented at MathUI'04, in Using automatic theorem proving to improve the usability of geometry software and Pen-based Input of Geometric Constructions
As presented at MathUI'04, in A mechanized environment for Frege's Begriffschrift.
As presented at MathUI'04, in Authoring tool for mathematical documents � Infty �.
As presented at MathUI'04, in User interface features in Theorema, a summary.
As presented at MathUI'04.
See Calculuators of maths construction.
As presented at MathUI'04, in Alcor: A user interface for Mizar
See the ActiveMath home page.