Software Demonstrations at the Workshop on Mathematical User Interfaces



ActiveMath:Statistik is an interactive webbased statistic book on the base of the ActInMath learning environment. This environment use the technic of semantical representation of mathematical knowledge by the OMDoc-format. OMDoc is an extension of the Openmath standard to mathematical documents. That is, the representation of mathematical objects is extended by meta-data for representations of mathematical structures such as theorems, definitions, explanations, exercises, motivations, introductions, proof methods, proofs and so on, and in addition OMDoc contains meta-data for dependencies between the mathematical structures.

This allows the dynamic course generation with consistently linking concepts according to the user profile, padagogical rools and the user knowledge. Furthermore, because of the semantical representation of the content it is possible to translate it in different presentation formats, like LaTEX, pdf, MATHML and so on.

ActiveMath:Statistik integrates different interactions of type 'exercise' and 'experiment'. Especially it includes an interface to CAS and to statistic systems. Different kinds of experiments and exercises for the topic of probability theorie and matheamtical statistics can be treated this way, such term transformation and statistical data analysis.

[PDF]Demo_ActiveMathStatistik_and_MathCoach.pdfShort slides introducing (MathCoach and ActiveMath:Statistik).