We invite you to join the MathUI workshop on July 13th.
Registrations are open on the CICM Registration web page.
At least the following presentations will be made at MathUI 2015, on Monday July 13th as part of the CICM day 1 programme.
Towards Meaningful Visual Abstraction of Mathematical Notation
The large variety of form factors to view web pages and the proliferation of the pinch-to-zoom paradigm requires web-content to adapt both font sizes and reflow to the requirements of diverse displays and varying magnification. For specialist web content, such as mathematical formulas, this is not straight forward. We present a first approach to ``responsive equations'', a rendering method for MathML that adapts gracefully to small screens. The main idea is to reduce size of equations by abstracting over well-defined parts of formulas without obscuring the overall structure of an expression. We achieve this by embedding a semantic structure into the MathML representation underlying the rendering process and by collapsing mathematically meaningful sub-expressions.
Live Mathematics in Authorea: Data, Computation and Visualization
Authorea is a collaborative platform for writing in research and
education, with a focus on web-first, high quality scientific documents.
We offer a tour through our integration of technologies that evolve
math-rich papers into transparent, active objects. To enumerate, we
currently employ Pandoc and LaTeXML (for authoring), MathJax (for math
rendering and clipboard), D3.js (data visualization), iPython
(computation), Flotchart and Bokeh (interactive plots).
This paper presents the challenges and rewards of integrating active web
components for mathematics, while preserving backwards-compatibility
with classic publishing formats. We conclude with an outlook to the
next-to-come mathematics enhancements on Authorea, and a technology
wishlist for the coming year.
KAT: an Annotation Tool for STEM Documents
Contemporary natural language processing (NLP) systems are based on corpora of annotated documents for training and evaluation. To extend NLP to documents from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) we need annotation systems that can dealwith structured elements like mathematical formulae, tables, and possibly even diagrams. Current linguistic annotation systems treat documents as word sequences and disregard the structure of complex document elements, and are therefore unsuited for STEM annotation as this very structure carries important syntactic and semantic information.
We present the KAT system, a browser-based annotation tool for linguistic/semantic annotations in structured (XHTML5, i.e. HTML + MathML + SVG in XML serialization) documents. As KAT is parametric in the annotation ontology and represents annotations as RDF, it can easily be integrated into RDF-based corpus management systems; we present an integration into the CorTeX system.
14:00-15:00 The afternoon will start with an an invited talk by Jim Pitman: Towards a Global Digital Mathematics Library.
Relational Presentation Using Semantic Closeness
Visualization of knowledge is important to foster learning. Especially so in Mathematics where students have to understand not just the topic hand but also related concepts. It would therefore be ideal to have a simple way to find dependencies and present students with an easy way to catch up on topics they have not learned yet without losing context.
Our research takes an existing annotated corpus and presents its contents while allowing students to see dependencies between topics and encouraging them to explore related mathematical concepts. Thus stu- dents can interactively learn the concepts the current topic depends on by taking small detours through those topics, should they need to refresh their memories. This approach to presenting learning materials changes how we interact with course materials and it is ultimately applicable to almost all areas in which knowledge needs to be transferred.
Interactive management of problems in geometry for the development of student skills and the acquisition of mathematical knowledge
Our paper presents a research project of the didactics of mathematics and computer engineering in which solving problems is both a condition and a result of mathematical learning. We introduce the concept of connected problems as a means used by a teacher agent to relaunch a solving process among students when a blockage has been reached. Whilst our theoretical approach focuses on educational and cognitive interactions, we give special attention to the cK¢ model of knowledge, the model of the mathematical working space and the concept of a zone of proximal development. In particular, we show how the notion of interaction connects theoretical and methodological challenges of the project.
Co-Occurrences of Context Dimensions of Spreadsheets
We are interested in the spreadsheet as a form of mathematical user interface and especially in the underlying human-spreadsheet interaction with respect to the target groups of readers and authors of spreadsheets. For understanding users' comprehension of a spreadsheet we looked into the context space, i.e., the space build up of information dimensions along which users try to grasp the presented content.
Our recent research has shown that, on the one hand, there is a clear difference of the context space between spreadsheet readers and authors. On the other hand, spreadsheet complexity does not distinguish the users' context space.
Here, we are looking even deeper into the elicited data to find out whether and if so, how context dimensions depend on each other. If there are significant differences between such co-occurrences with respect to user roles or complexity, then we can make use of the results to enhance user-assistance systems for spreadsheets.
18:00-19:00 MathUI will be concluded by an exhibit-like demonstration session. Proposed demonstrations should be announced to the chair.
MathUI is an international workshop to discuss how users can be best supported when doing/learning/searching for/interacting with mathematics using a computer.
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