Mathematical User-Interfaces
Workshop 2010

At the ninth Mathematical Knowledge Management Conference
CNAM, Paris, France, July 10th 2010


The following presentations are accepted to the MathUI workshop:

Session 1: Manipulating Mathematics

Session 2: Interfaces for Mathematics Learning

Demo Introductions


Mathematics is being increasingly done on computers: from computations to communications, from static pictures to dynamic presentations, from organized texts to formalized demonstrations. This workshop offers a forum discussing how users can interact with the mathematical objects represented on a computer, how they can manipulate them to feel their mathematical nature, how they can create them, how they can visualize them, and how they can understand them.

This workshop follows a successful series of meetings held the Mathematical Knowledge Management conference; it features presentations of brand new ideas, elected on reviewed submitted papers, with wide space for discussions, as well as a software demonstration session.

Invitiations to submissions

The organizers invite authors to submit short contributions on the workshop-related topics in PDF format optionally illustrated by supplementary media such as video recordings or access to demos.

Deadline for submissions: May 20th 2010.

Method of submission: EasyChair.

The submissions will be reviewed by the international programme committee whose comments and recommendations will be sent back by June 10 requesting a final version no later than June 20.

An iCalendar file of these dates can be downloaded.

The workshop will take place on the afternoon of Saturday July 10, following the invited presentation of a former Bourbaki secretary Pierre Cartier.

Programme Committee

To be confirmed:
